Saturday, January 19, 2008

Page 1 preview-The Elves and the Shoemaker

This is my first panel for "The Elves and the Shoemaker"-my planned submission for Puddleville Issue #2.
Good so far, but we'll see what happens with the next 49 panels. ;)


Traci Bixby said...

This first panel is incredible. I love all of the energy in the line work. The buildings have such character. Can't wait to see what becomes of the next panels!

Chris A. LeCocq said...

Good mood and perspective. What happens next? I have always enjoyed your work.
Chris A. LeCocq

glittergirl said...

Wow! I really like this, Elly. I especially like the sky, and the shadows on the left side of the buildings. I look forward to more of your illustration work.
I'm just discovering blogger, so lots of work ahead!